Ruzhinovski, Mile (Veles, 30. ⅹ 1935) – General-Colonel of the JNA. Graduated from a military artillery school in Zagreb, Higher Military Academy in Belgrade (1965) and the School of Operations (1971). He performed highly complex to reconstruct the metallurgical compartment mines and ironmarica “Skopje” LTOs, staff and party duties. Was the commander of the artillery Division in Tetovo (1965-1969), Commander of the Artillery Regiment in Kicevo (1971- 1974), Chief of the Headquarters of Division in Kumanovo (1974-1979), a member of the Central CC (1974-1978), commander of Division in Leskovac (1979-1981), chairman of the SK Committee in the Second Army in Nis (1981), promoted in Qin Major General (1983), chief of the headquarters and deputy commander of the Third Army Area in Skopje (1985), Chief Inspector of the armed forces of SFRY (1986), prematurely promoted in Qin Lieutenant General (1987), chief of the first administration and deputy chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the SFRY (1988), promoted in Qin Gen.-Colonel (1991 ), Chief of the center of senior military schools of the armed forces and a member of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces of the SFRY (1991). He mediated an amicable withdrawal of the JNA units of the Republic of Macedonia. Early retired (1991). M. Min. Room
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис РУЖИНОВСКИ, Миле