Ruderal vegetation of the Republic of Macedonia – a specific secondary vegetation type that develops in human settlements and other anthropogenic conditioned environments, such as places in addition to houses, roads, railways, construction sites, ruins, embankments, shelters, landfills, walls and other habitats, which are permanently or occasionally under direct or indirect human influence. Ruderal vegetation is characterized by very pronounced dynamism, variability, instability, fragmentation and is a permanent companion of human settlements and an integral part of the most immediate life and work environment. In the Republic of Macedonia, this vegetation is represented with about 30 associations that meet all the territory. They are grouped in several vegetation alliances (Cchenopodium Muralis, Chordeion, Sizmrion, Dauco-Melylotion, OnoPardija Azanti, Galio-Allaryion, Arction, Giannija Tripartite, Ranks (Cchenopodetalia, Sisloretalia, Onopopathalia, Galio-Contenethala, Tripartite, Plantaginetlinia Mayoris) and classes (Cchenopodia, Artemisieva, Bidea Tripartite, planagaginated Mayoris). VL. M.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet