Rozhenjan, Robert (Robert Rovenÿ) (Cosha, 10. ⅱ 1932 – Moscow, 3. ⅺ 1994) – Russian poet, professional writer. With its verses written concisely and precisely caused spontaneously enclosing from the wide auditorium. He became the first laureate of the Golden Wreath at the SVP in 1966, for the song, a man was born. His rhetoric verses have a certain publicist character, full of rhythm and enthusiasm, inspired by literary tradition and especially from Mayakovski. A strong impression left his book Requiem (1961) with verses dedicated to the Fatherland War against Fascism. Lit.: A man is born, thought, Skopje, 1970. P. Gil. Icon: Anna, Virgin and Joachim (ⅹⅰⅹ c.)
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис РОЖДЕСТВЕНСКИ, Роберт