Roya Greashae.

Roya Grayzaya (guardian of justice) (1942-1944) – an Albanian fascist organization that popularized fascism as the ideology and merits of Italy and Germany for the creation of “Greater Albania”. He founded and organized Murat Labunes. The largest number of supporters had in Debar. Was disbanded in November 1944. Lit.: Gorgi Malkovski, Balists, Skopje, 2002; The same, political parties and organizations in Macedonia in World War II 1941-1944, Skopje, 2002. F. Malc. The wedding ceremony of Alexander the Great and Roxana, the engraving of A. Costy (ⅹⅰⅹ c.)

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис РОЈА ГРЕЈЗАЕ

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