Roxana (Roxane) (ⅱ BC) – King Aleksandar’s wife ⅲ Macedonian, daughter of the bubble nobleman Olexian. Aleksandar married her (327 BCE) for political reasons, in order to attract Persian nobility on his side. Three months after his death, he gave birth to the son of Aleksandar ⅳ, which was determined for the king. Shortly with anticipar withdrew in Macedonia (320 BCE). At the time of the fight between the diados, becoming the subject of political games, on the order of Cassander, together with the Son, was first constrained, and then killed. Not.: Plutarzhi, Vitala Parallele, Lipsiae, 1921; Justini, Historiaum Piileppypeptum Edge Thread Pompeiio, Parisiis, Mdcaccjii. Lit.: F. Papazoglu, History of the Hellenistic period, Skopje 1995; N. Proceed, History of Argetads, Skopje, 2004. K. M.R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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