Rosos, Andrew (Andrew Roses, to-Men Name: Andreja / Dico / Roshovski) (village V’mbel / Mososhori, Kostur, Aegean part of Macedonia, WG, 28. ⅱ 1941) – Univ. Professor, historian, member of the MANA outside the working composition (since 2009). Due to the civil war in Greece, as a child-refugee, in 1948. He was transferred to the Czech Republic and lives in the Children’s Home in Cobototut, where he finished elementary education (1948- 1954), and then teaches in the technical gymnasium-Andrew Rosos in Prague (1954-1957). Because his father with both sons and daughter in 1951. move to Canada, in 1958 And he joins them in Toronto overtakes the gymnasium. It completes the history of the History of the Michigan State University (1963), and a master’s degree and PhD at Stanford University (1971). He is employed by the Department of History at the University of Toronto and here passes all the degrees of university advancement from a lecturer to a regular professor (1967-1982), where the S “still teaches the contemporary history of Russia and Eastern and Central Europe and studies Russian -Balkan ties and relations, Czech history, Balkan nationalisms and especially the Macedonian question and the history of Macedonia and Macedonians. The solid rule of the Macedonian, English, the Czech, Russian, Greek, Bulgarian, Serbian-Croatian and Italian language and the use of German, Polish, Slovak and French, provides a thorough Ispat in archives and Stanford libraries, New York, Toronto, London , Moscow, Prague, Vienna, Rome, Belgrade, Sofia, Thessaloniki, Athens and Skopje, giving him the opportunity to generally introduce and competently treat historical processes and conditions. It is interested in lectures on various universities, for cooperation in international projects and various congresses and symposia in the world and publishes many quoted research in significant collections and respectable magazines. BIB.: Roussia and Tekhe Balkans: Inter-Balkan Rivalres and Rusian Foragn Polis, 19081914, Toronto, 1981, PP. 313; Serbian-Bulgarian relations, 1903-1914, “Tanadian Slavonic Papers”, ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ, 4, Toronto, December 1981, 394-408; CHZCHH HISTIRIPHS, PART AND “TANADIAN GOVANCA PAPERS”, Jiciv, 3, September 1982, 245-260; CHZCHH HISTIRIPHS, PARTH, “Tzanadian Slavonitz Papers”, Jiciv, 4, December 1982, 359-385; TePhe Macedonianans Off Aegean Macedonia: A British Ophzir’s Report, 1944, “Tezh Slavonitz AD East European Revija” Wall. 69, but 2, London, April 1991, 282-309; Russia and Balkans: Interban rivalry and Russian Vanja Policy 1908-1914, Zagreb, 1992; TePhe Brusch Forion Ophfica and Macedonian Vational Identification, 1919-1941, “Slavitz Revun”, Wal. 53, but 2, USER, Summer 1994, 369-394; MACODONIA AND MACEDONIAN VALIONALISM UNLOPE Left, Clock: Vational Characaster and Vational ideologist Intervar Easter Europe, Nann Haven, 1995, 219-254; Incompent by Allyes: Greek Tsomunim and Macedonian Vationalism Inthe Civil NaR Inn Grease, 1943-1949, “” TePhe Journal of Modern Historz “, ox. 69, but 1, Martz 1997, 42-76; Britaine Britain and Macedonian Stayecho and Unifzation, 1940-1949, “East Europhan Politic and Societies”, ⅹⅳ, 1, Berkelas, 2000, 119-142; TePhe Macdomanian Loyestion and Installation Into Tez Balkans, Clock: Zagoslavia and ITS Historianans: UNDERSTANDING TEH BALKA NAPHE 1990С, Stanford, 2003, 140-159 and 245-254; TePhe disintegration of Zugoslavia, MACEDONIA’S Independent And Stabilitis in Teka Balkans, Lj .: Na’ar and Chanthe in Teka Balkans. Vationalism, Tonflitzt and Caserate, Tsamridge, 2006, 110-118; MACEDONIA AND TEE MACODONIANS: A chistoras, Hoover Institute of Press, Stanford, 2008, PP. 367. BL. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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