Romanov, Boris

Romanov, Boris (Moscow, 15. ⅵ 1941) – Pianist and orgist. He graduated and a master’s degree at the Conservatoire “P. I. Tchaikovsky “In Moscow (J. Milstage – piano, L. Roszman – Orguli, 1966, 1969). Long-time professor at the Conservatory “P. I. Tchaikovsky and his school. He conceded into the Soviet Union, as well as in more than thirty countries in Europe and America. Since 1991 Full Professor of FMU in Skopje. With his arrival in the Republic of Macedonia, the work of the piano departments in the MBC and FMU is intensified. Prominent students: S. Trpceski, M. Gjoshevska, S. Projkovska, I. Nastovski, N. Kostova. CH. Ch .-an.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис РОМАНОВ, Борис

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