
Rollers – Metallurgical plants for processing metals with rolling; They are primarily part of the mines and iron “Skopje”, and today they function as independent production processing factories. Bulbs (so-called hot or cold, depending on the applied procedure and the thickness of the product) are industrial plants and installations for the production of steel flat products. In the warm valernica (today in the composition of Makstil), with more perfect technology, it produces troubles of continuous casting lines and rolled hot lanes, thick sheets (5 to 130 mm) and secondary thick sheets (2 to 5 mm). In the rolling lanes, the weaknesses of rolling strips in two stages are carried out, whereby intermediate with thickness of the strips of 22 to 30 mm and strips thick than 2 to 10 mm, which is part of which is done in the cold roller, Where the rolling is done at temperatures below 100 S. Farming iron oxides is carried out from the acid surface, lateral circumcision and lad-but rolling to tiles thick than 0.4 to 2.5 mm, which can be gancing and placed, which improves the resistance of corrosion and the appearance of the product. St. H. J. – Lj. A.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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