Prokopiev, Sveslav (Kumanovo, 4. ⅵ 1928 – Skopje, 10. ⅳ 1986) – Designer. The high school finished in Skopje (1948), and graduated from the construction department at the Faculty of Technical Faculty in Zagreb (1955). Worked in ROST “Concrete”. The initiator is for the formation of the constructive bureau in Rozt “Beton” (1959). He was a freelance assistant at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Skopje (1956-1960), and later (1973) was elected an associate professor of the subject aseismic design of constructive systems in Izis Skopje. LIT. And not.: Prokopiev Sanclav, “Newsletter” no. 322 at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius”; Archive of the construction company “Concrete”. R. D. Trajko Prokopiev
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПРОКОПИЕВ, Светислав