Prochka (Greeted, Great Podladi) – One of the greatest Christian Orthodox holidays, right after Christmas and Easter. It is always seven weeks before Easter and starts the long Easter or Great fasting, a period filled with many customs and beliefs, with many provisions and hopes of welcome Christ’s resurrection – Easter, for communion and identification with the Savior Jesus Christ. Then the forgiveness is carried out, and the feast has received the name. Amonance of boiled eggs, pairing fires are prepared, preparing a rich table, gather for life and happiness, the customs of purification from fleas, lice and other pests are carried out. The forgiveness of course has a Christian basis, while other customs are associated with pre-Christian shuttles. Lit.: Milan Risteski, Macedonian rituals and ritual songs, Skopje, 1985; Josef circumcised, folklore and ethnographic materials from Poreche, Rh. First, Education Tanas Getjinovski, Skopje, 2001; Zorka Delinicolova, customs related to individual holidays and weekly days in Radovish, “Messenger of the Ethnological Museum”, 1, Skopje, 1960. M. Keith. Tom Proshev
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПРОЧКА