Prizren league

Prizren league (I. 1878 – 1881; ⅱ. 1943 – 1944) – Albanian National Political Organization. The first prytrinkic league was formed at the Parliament in Prizren at 10. ⅵ 1878, on which a political program for creating “Greater Albania” was adopted. In the projected state, they should enter: Albania, Epirus, parts of Macedonia (with Debar, Gostivar, Tetovo, Skopje, Kumanovo), Kosovo-Meto-Meto – Meto, Djakovica, Prizren, Mitrovica, Pristina, Gnilane) and Presevo, New market and Thenche. The second pryrenic league was formed at the Assembly held from 16. to 19. ⅸ 1943. with the same program. The league had branches in all the surroundings of Kosovo and Metohija, in western Macedonia and in one part of Montenegro. It acted on political, military, propaganda and cultural plan. He co-belonged with the then queens Albanian rule and Germany until its breakdown in November 1944. Lit: Branislav Godsђ – Milorad Wakayђ, a crude time of Koso and Metahii, Belgrade, 1991; Dr. God Borozan, Great Albania (Porijeclo-Idiye-practice), Belgrade, 1995. F. Malc.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПРИЗРЕНСКА ЛИГА

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