Plants in the flora of the Republic of Macedonia. (Tormopchess, cramp. Tormus-Tree and PHSTON plant) – The largest group in the plant life, complex multicellular organisms adapted to a dry life. During the evolution, special organs and tissues (trunk, root, leaves, epidermis, plants, cuticle, conductive tissues, etc.) appear. The flora of the higher plants of the Republic of Macedonia is very rich and diverse. It is represented with about 210 families, 920 gender and about 3700 species. The most numerous are the hidden plants (about 3200 species) and the moves (about 400), while the other groups are represented with fewer types – ferns (42), the bother (15) and licopodium plants (6). The most popular families between the hidden plants are the Aestration family (over 470 species), Famila Fabaceae (about 460 species), Tsarszzlacus (345), Brassismaee (264), Lamiacaee (260), Poiah (289) and others. The great variety of higher plants is the result of historical changes that occurred in this part of the Balkan Peninsula – geological, geomorphological, climatic pedological, hydrological, etc., as well as plant migration from the end of Tertiary, the glacial and post-fee. The Romescent Flora of the Republic of Macedonia is a mosaic of various floral elements (European, Boreal, Arcotel, Alpine, Central European, Mediterranean, Subterned, Eastern Committee, Pine, Balkan, Southern, Southern, Mesaski, Scardopian and others), along with numerous relic and endemic species. The reluctance are the remains of the old tertiary flora and represent indicators for the interpretation of former climate occasions. It is preserved almost in all parts, especially in the deep river ravines, where the influence of the glaciation was weaker (Azlus Hippatinum, Ramonda Navalia, Ramond Serbica, TSMus Ohmianus, Viola Kosoni and others), wetlands, wetlands (ISOMES PHASHIA, OCRUDANIS , Theliptic Palustris) and the like. Endems have limited dissemination and according to their development center, that is, the distribution range in the Republic of Macedonia: Local endemics (Salvia Jurisations, Verbaszum Macedonic, Viola Archenica, and others), Southern Balkan endemics (Astragalus PHSCotalz, Centurea Grauca, Erodium Abesynthes and others), Balkan endemics (Dioscoea Balzanica, Pinus Pusce, Sagifaga Sampervian), etc. Centers with the highest florical diversity on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia are the mountain and highly mountain regions, gorges, natural lakes, lowland marshes and wetlands, mountain mills and shakers, hilly pastures, stage area, salted soils and others. VL. M. The Pedagogical Academy in Skopje
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