Petko Duke

Petko Duke (Petko Krstov Mitarovski) (village Kokino, Kumanovo, ⅹⅰⅹ – Start of ⅹⅹ c.) – Ajdic Duke. His family comes from the village. Minutino, Kumanovo. In the young years, a friends company for protection against Albanian strikes and Ottoman Zulumgoters from Kumanovo and surrounding chifts. Some periods of the company were collected only for separate night actions and struggles, and through the day they legally continued the Polish work. With the spouse Ristana from the village. Pelince had five children. When the Bulgarian armed propaganda started in Kozaya, some time illegalized in relatives in the village. Minutes, and then, already in the years, devoted to family life. Exhibit. The memories of his daughter Great Stojkovska, Skopje, 1968. S. Ml. Dusan Petkov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕТКО ВОЈВОДА

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