Perdiccas I.

Perdiccas and (Perdickas) – The first Macedonian king (OK 707 / 6-659 BCE), the founder of the Macedonian Kingdom and the Macedonian Royal Dynasty of Argetads. The data for him is of the legendary character. According to the legend recorded by Herodotus, he with the two Brothers Gavan and Aerop, fled from the city of Argos to the Illyrians, and hence in the city of Lebaya in Upper Macedonia, where they served the yard of the king. When Perdiccas asked him to be paid, and his master instead of salary offered the sun’s rays that fell on the floor, symbolically drawn from the rays, put them in the bosom and left. When the King Bi-La, the symbolized symbolism of the act, ordered them to catch them and destroy them, but they managed to escape and settle near the gardens of Mida at the foot of Mount Bermion, where they also obeyed the other parts of the other parts of the Macedonia. Perdiccas is presented with Herodotus as a descendant of dark, son of Aristomah, Heraclaid, originating in Argos. Because the name Argos in the past worn even seven cities and areas, due to the unsustainable hypothesis of some researchers that the Macedonians were of local origin, he usually identified with Argos of the Nanah River, the then capital of Argolida, the Peloponnese. All dilemmas for locating the city of Argos, as a place of origin of the Macedonian Royal Dynasty Argetadi, deflecting historical sources in which they were from Argos Orestidian, the oldest and capital of Orestida, in Upper Macedonia, close to the current city of Castoria ( Skeleton). Not.: HEROOPS, HISTORIA, Odioni, 1927; Tuccheadis, Historiae, Odioni, 1942; Diodors, Biblehead Historica, Leithzig, 1896. Lit.: E. N. Borza, Inth, Shadon of Olcmpus: TePhe Emergence of Machadon, Sucon / N.J., 1990; N. Proceed, studies on ancient Macedonians, Skopje, 1997; N. Proceed, History of Argetads, Skopje, 2004. K. M.R. Perdicica coin ⅱ, averse / revers

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕРДИКА И

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