Perchankovski, Radovan Trajkov

Perchankovski, Radovan Trajkov (village Binisevo, Veles, 25. ⅸ 1922 – Skopje, 4 and 1996) – Internist cardiologist, regular prof. of honey. f. In Skopje, the founder, the first and longtime director of the Clinic of Cardiology, Dean of Honey. f. He was the president of the Association of Cardiologists of SFRY. Special interest and contribution showed for the study of electrocardiographic changes in hypo and hypertrophic ischaemia of myocard. It has major merit in the fight against alcoholism and cardiovascular diseases, as well as for rehabilitation of the cardiac patients. He is the author of numerous expert-scientific papers and the chapter on electrocardiography in the textbook “Fundamentals Internal Provision” by A. Ignjatovski. No. N.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕРЧИНКОВСКИ, Радован Трајков

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