Patles, John Yalosh

Patles, Jovan Janos (Promotion in Sombor, 23. ⅹⅰⅰ 1924) – Ballet player. He participated in the NOB. After the liberation, the career begins (1946) in the JNA Art Ensemble. It becomes a member of the ballet in People’s People’s Passiste in Belgrade (1949). Member of the Ballet at MNT in Skopje (1952-1972). Ballet education acquires the ballet school “Louis Davio” in Belgrade, in the class of N. KirSanova. Specializes with the famous pedagogues converter, Jegorova, Majein, Doline. As a banner of the ballet have played many main roles, noting their partner skill and rich experience. Ullog: Franz (L. Delib, Kodelia)), Marko (S. Hristic, “Ohrid legend”), Albert (A. Adam, “Giselle”), Siegfried (P. I. Tchaikovsky, “Swan Lake”) and Dr. Em. J.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПАШТИ, Јован Јанош

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