Pasic, Radmila (village of Podgers, Struga, 27. ⅺ 1931) – archaeologist. She graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade (1956). Masters in 1981 Since 1956 He works at the National Museum in Ohrid, and then as short-Radmila Pasic Tos in the Museum of Macedonia (1963-1996). It was an archaeological research on several localities: Demir Kapija, Dry River, Milchi, Dedeli, Marvinci, with-sweat, Vinica, Nerezi, Studenicani. BIB .: Argologist Tags “Orlova knock” code villages old Karaorman, “older”, ⅹⅹⅰ, Belgrade, 1972, 129-134; Prehistoric excavations U Demir Carti, “Olderly”, JJVI, Belgrade, 1976, 155-158; Iron time, archaeological map of the Republic of Macedonia, 1, Skopje, 1994, 62-79. D. Z. Pepped
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПАШИЌ, Радмила