Palfi, Ladislav (Subotica, 8. ⅺ 1924) – Pianist and composer. Piano is studying at the Music Academy in Zagreb (E. Vaulin and S. Stanchic), Iyay M. Feller. Basa-Ladislav Palfi waisting their musical inclement early, P. publicly occurs since seven years. In Skopje (1947) it becomes one of the most famous soloists, especially a piano accompany of Macedonian and foreign artists. At the same time, he compose, works as a pedagogue, he also supported in the Skopje Opera. He was a music editor in Radio Skopje. As a composer, he created several dozen compositions, mainly for piano, but also works for orchestra, chamber works and film music. B. ORT.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПАЛФИ, Ладислав