Paleozoic era

Paleozoic era – It lasted about 320 mLN. years (570-250 mln. d.). It is divided into Cambrian, Ordorial, Silurus, Devonian, Carbon and Perm Period. In Macedonia, Paleozoic is widespread in the Western Macedonian and Vardar zone, and the smaller space also occurs in the Osogovo-Maleshevo massif. Due to the suffered tectonic-metamorphic changes of sedimentary masses, the Paleozoic is quite poor with fossils and is not more detailed stratigrated. He is presented with two basic complexes of old-paraleemosa age, mutually different after litratographic characteristics and the degree of metamorphism. The elder, Cambroic-Ordotium complex is built of low-temperature philitric and green shale, metadyibases, metallral and metallrali, with few marbles. The Silurian-Devonian anhystemamorphen complex is built from a below level of arguloshists and metabecs, in which the Western Macedonian zone appears significant sites of shamosiditic and manganic ores, and the powerful level of carbonate shales and marbles. The two complexes are in a discordant relationship, and in the Western Macedonian zone and the Osogovo, the Osogovo Massive massif is broken by hercine granitoids. Lit.: N. Domurjanov, Devonian magmatism in the Western Macedonian zone, “Geology Makedonija”, ⅲ, but. 1, Stip, 1987-88; M. Arsovski, Tectonics of Macedonia, Monograph, 1997. N. Dum.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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