Padovec, daily (Inacchis Io L.) – Daily Butterfly. It has well-developed wings, which on the upper side are characteristic circular patterns, similar to peacock feathers. Hence, the name daily Padovec. It feeds nectar and plant juices. It is commonly encountered near nettles. It occurs in two generations, winter – from March to April and summer – from June to September. It is distributed throughout Europe to the 60th degree geographical width. In Macedonia is a very common kind. Lit.: Joseph Thurner, Diet Lepidopperfood Yugosljesh Mazedonneens. I. Runderults Acta. Mousse. Mac. SCI. Nat., Skopje, 1964; Lionel d. Higgins and Norman D. Riles, and Field Guide to Tekhle Butterflies of Britaine and Euroope, London and Velogon, 1970; Paul Wrecker – Predrag Jaxitz, Die Tagfalter Oun Yugoslianoszch Mazedonien Dunrina (Rhutalocauer Unmeferide), Münzhen, 1990. V. T. K. – M. Cr.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПАУНОВЕЦ, ДНЕВЕН