Occupational zones in the Aegean part of Macedonia

Occupational zones in the Aegean part of Macedonia (1941- 1944) – created after the capitulation of Greece (23. ⅳ 1941), when the territory of the Greek state was divided into three zones: Italian (Epirus, parts of Aegean Macedonia, Thessaly, Old Greece, Peloponnese, Cyclades), German (Central Aegean Macedonia with Thessaloniki, Attica, parts of the occupational zones in the Aegean part of Macedonia (1941-1944) West Thrace, Crete and Islands Lesbos and Chios) and Bulgarian (parts of Eastern Thrace and Aegean Macedonia with Island Ta-sauce). Lit.: History of the Macedonian people, C, Skopje, 2003; A. Vacalopoulos, Hallowe de la Greece Moders, Paris, 1975. St. KIS. Balal okajava

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ОКУПАЦИОНИ ЗОНИ во Егејскиот дел на Македонија

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