NOB military organization in the Pirin part of Macedonia

Military Organization of the NOB in the Pirin Part of Macedonia (1941-1944) – The armed struggle was organized and managed by the District Committee of the BCP for the Pirin region (until Sept. 1941) headed by Grozdan Nikolov. Responsible after military issues was Nikola Kalapchiev, then Nikola Parapunov (IX 1941-9. Ⅻ 1943). After the establishment of the rebellious-operating zones (train) at the National Liberation Investigation Army of Bulgaria (Nova), the Pirin part entered the composition of ⅳ train, and the partisan units (troops) managed the military leadership (headquarters in the composition of Arso Pandurovski and Doncho Lisian) , based in Upper Jumaia (up to 9. ⅻ 1943, ie until 29. ⅰ 1944). After their death, the commander of the zone head was I. Trickkov, and the headquarters were moved from Gornodumais in a breakdown and retained by Sept.. 1944 Lit.: Georgi J. Mabbev, paraphanovci (memories), Sofia, 1980; Georgi T. MACHOVOVOVA, VRAGNE Fight in Pirinski Kraj 1941-1944, BCP, Sofia, 1966. V. Nd.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВОЕНА ОРГАНИЗАЦИЈА НА НОБ во Пиринскиот дел на Македонија

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