Nikoleski, Vanco.

Nikoleski, Vanco (village Red Water, Ohrid, 10. 1912 – Ohrid, 15. ⅳ 1980) – Father of Macedonian contemporary literature for children and youth. Worked as a teacher and editor of children’s magazines. His songs and poems, short stories and novels are filled with topics and motives from the distant and closer history of the Macedonian people, with the sumptuous beauty of the folklore heritage, always close to the reader. BBB.: Stevroshibitions: Macedonian, SK., 1946; School bell, SK, 1947; First joy, SK., 1947; Mice, poem, SK., 1947; Babino Totish, SK., 1948; Strange world, SK., 1952; Strange grandfather, SK., 1964; Star Evenings, SK., 1973; short stories: miraculous caval, SK., 1952; Stories from my village, SK., 1964; The small hunter, bit., 1970; Romani: The magical Samarce, SK., 1962, classical work; Goce Delchev, SK., 1964; Under the Vioric Flag, SK., 1967. V. Tot. Dimche Nikoleski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НИКОЛЕСКИ, Ванчо

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