New Dojran – settlement on the west coast of Dojran Lake. The northwest with a regional road is related to Valandovo, and in the southeast with Kukush in the Republic of Greece. She was formed after the First World War, when Star Dojran was destroyed. The population is with mixed ethnic composition. In 1961 Here they lived 1,114 h., And the IS-(1,100) were registered in 2002. Of them 1.023 h. They were Macedonians, 27 Serbs, 23 Turks, 14 Roma and 11 Albanians. Fishing, viticulture and tourism are main occupations. In the settlement there is an eight-year school, several commercial and craft shops. Lit.: Todor Condev, New Dojran – expressed fishing settlement and Star Dojran – tourist settlement, “geographic reviews”, kn.. 4, Skopje, 1966. Al. ST.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НОВ ДОЈРАН