Naumovska, Olga (Prilep, 6. 1927 – Bitola, 15. 1999) – Actress, Provenka of the National Theater in Bitola. With its creations of strong dramatic characters it was equally successful in the ancient, classical and contemporary repertoire. Two years he performed in the National Theater in Prilep. Roles: Jocasta (“King Oedipus”); Medea, Andrickah, Antica in the eponymous plays; Margarita (“lady with camelies”); Martha (“Who is afraid of Virginia Woolf”); Nasty (“on the bottom”) and others. Its also the monodramas “How to hear you when the water flows”; “Good night majco” and others. R. ST. Aleksandar Naumovski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НАУМОВСКА, Олга