MZT “Hepos” AD – Skopje – Specialized manufacturer of braking systems of rail vehicles. It was founded in 1953 .. organizational MZT “Hepos” is a rounded technological whole. In the production program, the devices produced according to the companies of the companies: “Erlicon”, “Sat” and “Steneg”. Since 1982 In developmental departments and research laboratories, a new generation of sophisticated pneumatic and mechanical devices of high quality (ISO 9001-2000) was developed, and in 2003. The UIC (International Union of Railways) is the verified brand MH (MZT “Hepos”) as an original braking system that is in use in international rail transport. After taking over by “Poly Spa” – Italy, the two firms with a joint appearance on the world market occupy significant participation in the placement of complex braking systems for electromotor and dieselmotor trains, locotives for passenger and freight wagons and metro vehicles. Fig. A.
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