
Georgovden -. Christian Orthodox holiday, dedicated to the Holy Great Martyr George victorious (6. in / 23. IV). Is considered the largest spring holiday. It celebrates not only the Christian, but also the other population in Macedonia, because in his grounds is an older pre-Christian holiday of nature, the awakening of vegetation and life in general. The feast is filled with various customs, mostly with a magical-apthropean goal – to provide progress and fertility of goods and fields, health, happiness and progress of people. Some of the customs are performed on the evening opposite the holiday, others on the very day before sunrise, and some throughout the day. In our country, the summer half of the year that lasts to Mitrovden begins with this holiday. On this day, Momoccons, village molors, protupers, Poles, etc. are hungry. The feast is Be-Rat Herbs, is immersed by homes and is believed that herbs or sweat will keep them from various accidents. When harvesting herbs are singing Biliaar songs. Also, songs are singing and at the swinging of the swings of the youth. Lit.: Kole Simitchiev, Djurgjovden People’s poems and customs of Macedonians, Serbs and Bulgarians, “Macedonian Folklore”, ⅵ, 12, Skopje, 1973, 97-105; Tanas Detjinovski, Remnants of Gjurgjovdek, Valandovo and Marvinci, “Macedonian Folklore”, ⅵ, 12, Skopje, 1973, 131-134; Naum Celakoski, Debarca, rituals, magic and ritual songs, Skopje, 1973, 131-134; Marko Kitevski, Golden Cup, Skopje, 1983. M. Keith.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЃУРЃОВДЕН

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