Mitrevski, Trajan.

Mitrevski, Traian. Protojuri-Stavror (village Dobrushevo, Bitola, 7. ⅴ 1913 – Skopje, 1991) – Professor of the Orthodox Theological Faculty in Skopje. He finished elementary school in his birthplace, the seminary studied in Bitola (1936-1941), and finished in Plovdiv, Bulgaria (1942). He graduated from the Theological Faculty in Bel-City (1950). He ordained for a priest in Bitola (29. ⅷ 1942), served as a parish priest. He was chief educator (1967), professor and rector of theology (1973-1977). When opening the Orthodox Theological Faculty in Skopje (1977), he was elected Associate Professor at the First Set of Professors at the Faculty, and then a full professor. He is a famous Bible and apologize. Lit: 15 years Orthodox Theological Faculty Skopje, Skopje, 1992; Ratomir Grozdanoski, Stefan Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonian, Skopje, 2000; “Journal”, Official Gazette of the MOC. RAT. Gr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИТРЕВСКИ, Трајан

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