Mitevska, Labina (Skopje, 10. ⅹ 1975) – Actress, producer. Ed-but from the most sensible and most bueshogenic persons in the new Macedonian film. He debuted in the role of the sensitive Zamira in the film “Before the Rain”, in which discretist means conveyed the beauty of momine hopes and the readiness to defend his love. In films that followed, “Welcome to Sarajevo”, “I wish you,” “The Secret Book”, “How I killed a saint”, “I am from Titov Veles,” her sensibility is sharpened for more complex psychological transformation. D. C. Vitomir Mitevski Mitevski, Vitomir Georgiev
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИТЕВСКА, Лабина