Miteva, Nada

Miteva, Nada (Pehcevo, 7. 1947) – Biologist, UNIV. Professor. Primary education ended in the birthplace, and a gymnasium in Skopje. In the academic 1966/67 It enrolled on PMF, a group of biology. She graduated in 1970. In 1972 He was employed as an agreed assistant at the Faculty of Biological Faculty in Skopje. In 1975 It is selected as an assistant on the subject of general biology for students from the Medical and Dental Faculty in Skopje. The master’s work defended him in 1978, and the doctoral dissertation in 1987. For a professor, he was elected in 1988, and for Nada Miteva Associate Professor in 1993. In the title full professor was elected in 1998. It deals with histomorphological researches of rats and fish. She announced about 40 scientific papers. D. PR. Labina Mitevska

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИТЕВА, Нада

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