Military hospital and military sanitation. The Military Hospital in Skopje begins to work in the old Turkish WB (from 1912 to 1914, works AB of the Serbian army; from 1914 to 1918, Bulgarian VB; from 1918 to 1941 is an AB of Kingdom of SCS; from 1941 to 1944 Bulgarian VB), and after the relocation The GS of New and Pom of the village. Gorno Vranovci, Veles, after the liberation of Skopje, is transferred to Skopje as VBS. From the formation by July 1945 Trustee is Dr K. Georgiev, then from August 1945. Dr. Nikola Kosic, a surgeon of Bitola. To 26. ⅶ 1963 WB is renewed, staff is staffed and is built. The earthquake was significantly impaired, which is why it was temporarily moved to the WB in Nis, and the rest of the Polish conditions were. Given the deteriorating conditions, with the commitment of regiment. Dr. M. Dimitrievic and Dr. B. Petkovski and the financial participation of the IS SRM on 11. ⅹ 1971. The WB began to function in a new facility (then architectural, functionally and technically declared the most modern in J. Europe), with a capacity of 450 beds, set of hospital departments, polyclinic and 3 ha park with helium. Of 10. ⅳ 1992 to 2. ⅵ 1992 Works under name VB ARM, and then until 26. ⅹ 2001. As a cup, from when he is again the ARM. At 12. ⅰ 2000 is open cardiac surgical dock. From 1953 to 1971 Trustee is Dr. B. Petkovski, Internist, from 1971 to 1984. Dr. D. Karanovski, Internist, until 1990 Dr. K. Sekulovski, Surgeon, until 1994 Dr. B. Sokolovski, microbiologist, until 2001 Dr. B. Dimichkovski, surgeon-urologist, until 2002 Dr. A. Vankovski, dermatovethererologist, and after him, Dr. Petre Utkovski, Spec. After general medicine. WB is also a teaching base of the Skopje Honey. f. From which many top specialists, primers and doctors of science emerged. In the composition of WB from 1944 to 1945 as an independent unit works Hatch, from 1945 to 1973. As heo, when he grows into the EMPM, from 1992 to – 2000 Under the name of the IPM, then as the IPM, which works on the implementation of preventive medical measures in military and peaceful conditions, as well as training and improvement of personnel for military sanitation. Even in the time of the NOB, a military sanitation was established, starting with secret hospitals, which, with the formation of divisions and the corps, grew into hospitals. In the final operations (1944) there were 22 hospitals in the corpse regions and the hospital of GS of New and Pom in Mr. Vranovci and apple. After 1912 From the Turkish in near the Skopje, they continue the work as the Division – Bitola and Stip until 1950/51, and in all garrisons there are garrison clinics, in 1992. renamed in military ambulances. Lit.: Mr. Kamchevski, Sanitation Service New Macedonia, Belgrade, 1971. Fig. M. P.
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