Military-Field Court in Macedonia (1941-1944) – an associate military court set up by the Ministry of War of Kingdom Bulgaria at the time of World War II. Courts were organized at a lower level, in the units of the Bulgarian army. Judged by shortened procedure for works prescribed by Bulgarian association legislation. Under their jurisdiction, the members of the National Liberation of Macedonia (1941-1944) were found. Lit.: Dr. Aleksandar Hristov, the Skopje Partisan Squad in the police court documents of the occupier, ZB. Skopje in New 1941, Skopje, 1973; Dr. Novica Veljanovski, some elements of the Bulgarian legislation of 1941-1944. As a means of implementing occupational goals in Macedonia, “Views”, 5, Skopje, 5, 1978. N. C.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВОЕНО-ПОЛЕВ СУД во Македонија