Military bases in the Republic of Macedonia – organized strongholds of domestic, foreign or international military force in the Republic of Macedonia. The first military base of international forces in the Republic of Macedonia (January 1993) is ABL Sentre of the UN peacekeeping force – UNPROFOR / UNPREDEP in which US and Nordic battalions are stationed – Usatat and Nordbath. Following is the database of coupon, (26.xi 1998) in the ARM facilities near Kumanovo as a base of the NATO Kosovo Verification Center, part of the NATO operation in Kosovo – “Orlovo eye”. At 10.ⅻ 1998, the vulner of Kumanovo is established the base of the so-called. NATO drawing forces as part of the mission “resolute guarantor” in function of drawing OSCE verifiers from Kosovo. These two bases work until the start of NATO attacks on SR Yugoslavia (February 1999). From March to June 1999, on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia establishes a military base of NATO forces for the so-called. Preparatory KFOR forces for Kosovo. In June 1999, the KFOR Headquarent Headquarters for KFOR was established in Skopje. The headquarters also functions today as part of NATO’s only headquarters in Skopje. The database is located near the airport “Petrovec” end Skopje and is called Abł Senti. Exhibition: Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, 2007. T. Petr.
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