Milchinski, Janez (Ljubljana, 3. ⅴ 1913 -?, 28. 1993) – Doctor, forensic specialist, deontologist and lawyer, regular prof. of honey. f. In Ljubljana, Slovenia (from 1957). He graduated from the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana (1936). He studied medicine first in Ljubljana, and then in Zagreb, where he graduated (1940). Active participant is in the NOB. He perfected in Belgium, France, Switzerland, Austria and Germany. From 1945 to 1983 He was director of the MES Institute of Forensic Medicine. f. In Ljubljana, while Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine of MES. F., from 1954 to 1955 and from 1962 to 1964. Bill Dean of Honey. F., a proprector of the University (1970-1973), and then Rector (1973- 1976). From 1970 to 1973 he was chairman of the International Academy of Judicial and Social Medicine. Honorary Doctorate is assigned to Ljubljana (1979) and Leipzig (1987). In 1961 was elected as correspondent, and in 1970 for a regular member of Sazu, from 1976 to 1992. He was president of Sazu. For a member outside the working composition of MANU was elected 14. ⅴ 1979. Milchinski’s expert and scientific contribution is primarily in the field of judicial medicine (in the identification of carcasses at a massive catastrophe). His knowledge and experiences of his team admitted them in mass suffering of people due to earthquakes (Skopje 1963, Sicily 1968, El Asapter in Algeria 1980), on aircraft accidents (St. 1966, Krk 1971, Montenegro 1974, Ayachio 1981), In rail accidents (Zagreb 1974, Borica 1976). He received world recognition for his work. In the accidents, the forensic aspects of the roads, the effect of alcohol in traffic accidents, their prevention, the assessment of the bodily injuries and the working capacity of the injured. He dealt with the problems of medical ethics and criminal liability of healthcare professionals in professional activity, issues of general and special deontology. He studied the problems of the case-medical aspects of emergency assistance and the revival of the objections. From its Obestel published 200 papers and 4 books. He was a cheerful of the newly formed honey. f. In Skopje (1947) and helped the development and work of the Department of Forensic Medicine of MES. f. in Skopje. In 1977 He was elected an external correspondent member of Jesu, in 1978 by Anu-BiH and Sanu, and in 1985 the Cane. Not.: Newsletter of the Fifth Election Assembly (Revallates), MANU, Skopje, March 1979, 34-37; Encyclopedia Slovenije, t. 7, Lyubljanna, 1993, 142-143. BIB.: Sodean medicine, Lyubljanna, 1956; Responsibility Health Velevitsa before Westo, before Beelkom In front of Drugbo, “ZV”, 37, 1968, 401-403; Medical Performance, and-ⅱ, Lyubljanna, 1970, 1981; Duty Healthy Selevacus Inn Health We favored the first Power Invaljanje, “healthy commercial”, 6, 1972, 65-73; Medical Ethics In Deontology, Lyubljanna, 1982; Fly for five others, Lyubljanna, 1990. M. Paul. Desa Miljevska.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИЛЧИНСКИ, Јанез