Mazev, Peter.

Mazev, Peter (Kavadarci, 10. 1927 – Skopje, 13. 1993) – Painter and pedagogue, a key person of modern and postmodern art, a significant painter with numerous followers and supporters. As a leading figure in the Macedonian painting, he made a great influence on painters from various generations. Together with N. Martinoski, he is the most eminent representative of expressionism. He graduated from Alu in Belgrade (1953). He was a member of the avant-garde group of MUGRA and one of the main initiators for the formation of Flea in Skopje. She independently exhibited in Skopje, Belgrade, Zagreb, New York, Ljubljana. The first pictures worked in an expressionist manner (the redhead, 1955; Portrait, 1957), then accepted the metaphysical painting (mourning, 1958). In the sixties he crossed the domain of the abstraction, creating a kind of enforcement with an abundant markers close to the Macedonian region (Red City, 1961; composition, 1962; monastery landscape, 1965; despised grain, 1965) who left a strong stamp in the history of painting. After a fragmentary turning to geometrism in the seventies, P. M. He returned to the permanent affinity of expressionism, practiced by the end of his life (cross, 1971; woman, 1972; Kurban, 1978; Masochism, 1980; Gathering, 1991; Redhead 2, 1991; Three, 1993). He hatched more mosaics, of which the most significant, greatest and most striking is the mosaic in the memory of Veles (1979 -1980). It is also known to his monumental fresco in the Skopje Iron (1967). His works are in state and private collections in the Republic of Macedonia, USA, Germany, Switzerland, Serbia, Croatia, etc. Lit.: Boris Petkovski, Petar Mazev (Catalog), Skopje, 1966; Jochn Rusel, Petar Mazev, “Tezy Nanj Stork Times,” Nannj Zork, 13. ⅱ 1981; Sonja Abadzieva Dimitrova, Petar Mazev, Skopje, 1990; Memories of Petar Mazev (Orders Kiril Temkov), Kavadarci, 2005. S. AB.-

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МАЗЕВ, Петар

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