Madevski, Zivko Krst

Madevski, Zivko Krsturn (Kumanovo, 12. ⅹ 1929) – Mathematician, Order. Prof. (1980) of the PMF in Skopje. He graduated (1954) at the Faculty of Philosophy and PhD (1973) of PMF with the topic “Some methods for obtaining relations between the elements of a triangle”. He published scientific papers in the area of ​​geometry, algebra and heavenly mechanics. He is an Austrian or co-author of twenty textbooks for primary and secondary education. He was president of the DMF, a member of the Republican Pedagogical Council, Director (1975-1977) at the Mathematical Institute with the Numerical Center, Dean (1979-1982) at the Faculty of Mathematics. Lit.: PMF 1946-2006, monograph; Buy no. 331/1979. N. C.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МАДЕВСКИ, Живко Крстов

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