Macedonian youth alliance in Bulgaria

Macedonian youth alliance in Bulgaria (1923-1934) – Organization of youth-refugees from Macedonia. On the initiative of the Varnetic Society in Varna, an alliance was established that united 11 youth companies. At that time, the Alliance was founded in Plovdiv. In October 1923, at the Congress in Rousse, the two unions united in the Macedonian Youth Union, in which 17 companies with 1,000-2,000 members were entered. In 1924 The number has grown up to 15,000. The core activity of the Union was cultural-educational. Bodies of the company were: c. “Upload” (1923-1926) and the SP. “Romana” (1926-1934). After May 19, 1934, he was disbanded. Lit.: Nadezhda Cvetkovska, the political activity of the Macedonian emigration in Bulgaria from 1918 to 1929, Skopje, 1990. N. Cv.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МАКЕДОНСКИ МЛАДИНСКИ СОЈУЗ во Бугарија

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