Macedonian, Cyril (Bitola, 1925 – Skopje, 4. ⅵ 1984) – Cyril Makedonski composer. Music Academy (composition) is studying first in Zagreb (K. ODAK), and graduated from the Music Academy in Sarajevo (I. Brancanovic, 1959). Masters in the Music Academy in Ljubljana (L. M. Strickyanz). He then works as a professor in Bitola and Skopje at the Pedagogical Academy “St. Clement of Ohrid”. It is improving (1974) at the International Course for Contemporary Music in Darmstadt (Germany). Tyjeafor of the First Macedonian Opera “Goce” (1954), as well as the operas “Tsar Samoil” (1968) and “Ilinden” (1973). On the territory of orchestral music, a significant work is the symphony poem “Dancer” (1952), as well as the five symphonies. Along with composing, M. It also deals with problems in the field of musical psychology, especially with musicotherapy, achieving vision results on that plan and international scale. B. ORT. C. “Autonomous Macedonia” (Belgrade, 1905)
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МАКЕДОНСКИ, Кирил