Lulovski, Thanas

Loulovski, Thanas (Zhanev, Lerin, Aegean part of Macedonia in Greece, 20. ⅱ 1940 – Skopje, 2.ⅷ 2006) – Painter, fluent, fluent, significant representation-t. Loulovski: “Untitled” (1976) Nick of conceptual art and hyperreealism. He graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts in Bucharest (1967). Since 1968 He lived in Skopje. He exhibited independently in Bucharest, Skopje, Belgrade, Dubrovnik. His work developed from lyric and analytical abstraction, through lathism and hyperreealism, to conceptual and ambient achievements leading to full disappearance of the work. L. N. Arthur Lundywist.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЛУЛОВСКИ, Танас

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