Lojane – the site of Mo, SB, As Ruda. It is located 10 km northwest of Kumanovo, spatially localized along the contact parts of Ultrabosites and Andesites. In the geological construction of the site, larger masses of ultrafosite-serpentinites and fleshoid sediments are participated, in whose contact parts polylithic and the Andesitic Dias, for which genetic and paragenetic are connected the most significant AS-SB ridiculations. The AS-SB mineralization is of a wired type, created on the contact between the serpentinites and the Andesites, but also in the coils itself, in the immediate vicinity of the chromite marvel, and sometimes along the priceless-cracking systems in the Andesites. The contents of the primary mine ME-Tali in the site is variable, but on average it is around 4% as, 5% SB and 0.2 – 0.5%. Lit.: Todor Serafimovski, methannicies of the Lice-Halkidiki zone. Doctoral dissertation. RGF, Stip, 1990. T. Sir.
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