Lithi, Abdurahman

Lithi, Abdurahman (village Zelino, Tetovo, 1945) – Lawyer, Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to RB. He graduated from the Faculty of Law in Skopje (1969). He was employed in the City Council and stayed for a long time in the Assembly of the Municipality in Tetovo (1969-1988). As chairman of the Health and Social Policy Committee, due to advocacy for greater political rights of Albanians in the SRM, was fired. It was the leader of PDP at the time when the leading party of the Albanians in the Republic of Macedonia was. The first democratic parliamentary elections was elected a member of parliament (1991). As a PDP MP of the Second Parliamentary Elections (1994), along with Tito Petkovski from SDSM and Kiro Popovski from the SP, he was elected deputy chairman in parliament. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЛИТИ, Абдурахман

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