
Lipa. (Tillia L., Fam. Tiliacae) – Rod with about 30 types of deciduous trees in the moderate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. The leaves are core, along the edge of serrated and on a long stalk. Scented flowers (honey and medicinal) are in a dream of a long handle, which until the waist is as affected by the tiring married. The fruit is a ball nut, hard, with 1-2 seeds. In the mountains of the Republic of Macedonia, naturally represented: the fine (T. Cordo Mille.), The Grassland (T. Ophfician grant.) And the silver linden (T. Tamentosa Munzh.). All three are large and decorative trees, with very quality wood. Most often meet in the gorges of mountain rivers. Al. And.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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