Labor schools -. Primary schools, characteristic of the way of teaching. In Macedonia were the most widespread in the period from the 30s to the 70s of ⅹⅰⅹ c. Their work was organized according to the Bel-Lancastian system, which is a characteristic process of mutual teaching, that is, older students, under the guidance of the teacher, teach younger students. Such an organization of teaching, above all, was a consequence of a lack of teachers. In these schools, except for basic literacy (reading, writing and counting), elementary knowledge of grammar, geography, arithmetic, history, church history, etc. were obtained. Consisted of 2 or 3 departments. It is considered that the first such schools opened Jordan Hadzi-Constantinov – the genie in Veles (1837) and Skopje (1848) (c. Worldwide Schools).: R. Cantarziev, history of education and educational in Macedonia, Skopje, 2002. K. Camb.
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