Law on Prohibition of the Macedonian language in the Aegean part of Macedonia (September 1936) – Greek law prohibition to speak in Macedonian language not only in public communication and public manifestations of everyday life (weddings, funerals, etc.) but also in the family . For the violation of the ban, raw penalties were applied (payment of the so-called. Language tax, spitting in mouth, etc.). Following the law of speaking in the mother Macedonian language in public life or the family were convicted and interned on the Greek islands near 4,500 Macedonians. Lit.: S. Acidenovski, the status of the Macedonian language in Macedonia (1913- 1987), Skopje, 1987. St. KIS.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЗАКОН за забрана на македонскиот јазик во Егејскиот дел на Македонија