Kumanovo Bath – is located 3 km southeast of Kumanovo, next to the village. Projectists, which is also known as the Proevska Bath. The spa facilities are located on the left side of Kumanovo River, at an altitude of about 300 m. With Kumanovo it is linked through the regional asphalt road Kumanovo-St. Nikole. Previous researchers are of the opinion that the thermomineral source of K. B. It is located on the meridian raster on which Katlanovska Bachon from the Boxing Club “Kumanovo” tap in Kumanovo baths in the south and the Vrnesian bath to the north. The reservoir is located in Paleozoic marbles. The source is with a 6 l / SEC joint, and the water is at 30 ° C, which means it belongs to the group of hypotherlic waters. After the chemical composition contains sodium, calcium, cobalt, zinc and hydrocarbons. It works favorably in treating nerve diseases, diseases of the digestive bodies, diabetes, etc. The spa has about 200 beds of which 90 are in the hotel “Cuba”, and there is also an Olympic pool. Except for stationary residence, Kumanovci also use it as a picnic area. Al. ST. Monument Zebrag for the Kumanovo battle
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Кириличен напис КУМАНОВСКА БАЊА