Kulkard, bothered (10 km northwest of Delchevo) – Tomul (2 m, with a diameter of about 16 m) in which a Roman grave is found, and above it and a smaller medieval necropolis (42 grava) of ⅺ-ⅺ . The medieval graves are Christian, and belonged to an unidentified rural settlement, the Slavic population, which was not socially very dismissed and was separated from the more significant Byzantine centers. These conclusions are mainly due to the analysis of jewelry (earnings, rings, bracelets and part of the diadem, made mainly of bronze and glass and quite rarely from silver), which are the dominant find in the graves. There are also 2 ceramic vada as grave gifts with food or drinks. Lit.: M Jovanov, E. Maneva, F. Veljanovska, knocker, Roman tumul, medieval necropolis, Skopje, 2004. EL. M.
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