Koxabashia, Nicholas.

Kodzabashia, Nikola (Skopje, 6. 1970) – Composer. The Faculty of Music Arts in Skopje graduated from the piano (1993) and composition (1997). During 1995-1998 He works as a musical producer and TV presenter of MRTV, and in the same period he is a piano professor in MBUC “Ilija Nikolovski-Louis”. Steak-Nikola Kodzabashia London, England (H. Birtvisel, 2000). Worked in master classes after the composition in M. Stripe, Mr. Kurtag and Mr. Ligeti. B. ORT. Vangel Kodzoman

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОЏАБАШИЈА, Никола

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