Kostov, Spiro

Kostov, Spiro (Veles, 8. 1848 – Sofia, 19. 1931) – Premier, participant in the Kresna uprising. As a prescription in Romania, he worked at the printing house of Ljuben Karavelov. He was a volunteer in the Serbian-Turkish (1876) and the Russian-Turkish war (1878/1879). In the Kresna uprising (1878/1879) he was the duke of Chief. He participated in the Serbian-Bulgarian (1885), as well as in the Balkan Wars (1912/1913). Exhibit. ILIT.: CDA, F.: 1075, OP. 1, A.e. 28, LL. 44-46; H. Sil®Onov, the conquerory fighting for Macedonia, and Sophie®, 1983. Al. TR. Harry Kostov.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОСТОВ, Спиро

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