Koroveshov, Atanas (village Smrdesh, Kostur, 1913 – p. Cornishor, Enydvalarko, 2. IX 1945) – Dian of the Macedonian national and communist movement, fighter in the Macedonian Partisan department “Lazo Trpovski” (1943). In 1944, following the clash with the leadership of the CPG for the Macedonian national question, with a group of Macedonian fighters crossed in the Vardar part of Macedonia and Atanas Korovesh, the Battalion of the First Macedonian Nou Brigade and fought together with the Macedonian army. He was the commander of the Battalion of the Study Brigade of the Macedonians from the Aegean part of Macedonia, a member of the NOF leadership for the Aegean part of Macedonia. He died on the mountain spider to fight with Greek monarchist forces. Lit.: T. Mamorovski, bright characters from Aegean Macedonia (1945-1949), Skopje, 1987. St. KIS.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОРОВЕШОВ, Атанас