Kolevski-Lava, Lazo Filipov

Kolevski-Lava, Lazo Filipov (village. Mozenovo, Veles, 1918 – close to Pletvar, on the road Kavadarci-Prilep, 2. ⅲ 1942) – Pornet and People’s Hero. Like Lazo Celevski-Lavy’s phase in Belgrade, joined the local trade union movement. After returning to Prilep, as an activist of the URS trade unions, he was admitted to a member of the CPY and participated in the Ilinden demonstrations in Prilep (1940), which was arrested. After the April war (1941) he was a member of the MK Military Headquarters of the CPY in Prilep and an instructor for handling weapons. During the action of the tunnel among Bogomila (September 1941) killed the guard. He was a fighter of the first Prilep NOOO “Goce Delchev”. He died in a hostile ambush, along with the folk hero Borka Taleski. He was proclaimed a folk hero of Yugoslavia (11. ⅹ 1953). Lit.: Prilep and Prilep through history, REC. Second, Prilep, 1972; Koce Thessaloniki, Kolevski Philip Lazo – Lavoda (1918-1942), People’s Heroes of Macedonia, Skopje, 1973, 180-185; Prilep and Prilep in New 1941, Skopje, 1976; Prilep and Prilep in New 1942, REC. First and second, Skopje, 1978. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОЛЕВСКИ-ЛАВСКИ, Лазо Филипов

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